September 9, 2023

4 ways in which cloud has transformed the publishing world

The speed of digitization makes us wonder, ‘What’s next?’ Let’s dig deeper and explore how the technology of cloud transformed the publishing world.

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We have been in the publishing industry for the past 16 years and have seen heaps of changes occurring in this exciting world. It’s ages ago when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, he could never have predicted how technology and innovation would dramatically transform the publishing industry. From catering to the changing demands of customers to that of accessing content anywhere without having to carry books or magazines. The speed of digitization has truly kept us all wondering ‘What’s next on the line?’

Let’s dig a little deeper and get our heads around how cloud has transformed the publishing world:

1. Metadata is all the information associated with a book or publication used to produce, publish, distribute, market, and sell the book. It allows external systems to understand the semantics of data elements.


2. Content storage streamlines the process of sharing any type of content and eliminates clutter related to document versions. It unites various folders, shares content, and silos of network drives within a central repository of files in     the cloud.


3. Findability refers to the publishers’ ability to access the best and most relevant content as quickly as possible. Metadata and content storage go hand in hand and allow the ‘findability’ to function correctly.


4. Workflow automation and collaboration enable people to work together on a task, for instance, real-time document editing. This type of workflow makes way for faster content development.

(A version of this was originally posted in The Bookseller ) .

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