September 9, 2023

Top 5 digital publishing trends for 2021 & beyond

The academic publishing landscape is facing a digital transformation. Staying in the loop with the latest digital publishing trends is crucial.

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What will scholarly publications look like in the next few years? That’s a tough one! 

The academic publishing landscape, like many others, is facing tremendous digital transformation. Not everyone is always lucky to be at the forefront of new trends happening in the publishing industry. Staying in the loop with the latest trends is crucial as it can help us in attracting user attention. With that being said, let’s explore the top 5 attention-grabbing technology trends to watch in future:

1. Audiobooks will soar high:

According to the leading industry publication, The Bookseller, audio formats are on a bull run in the market. The world is predicted to use more than 8billion voice assistants by 2023. The information provided by Techcrunch proves that voice assistants are not just the trend but also the present andfuture of the publishing industry. Convincing enough?


2. AI is leading the change:

AI continues to make huge advancements. The most significant benefit of AI in publishing is the authors’ ability to publish their work. It also helps the publishing houses to work more efficiently in their process. A wide variety of AI-based tools are developed to assist both authors and publishers. From automated text analysis to that of enhancing your journal’s discoverability. They help you eliminate the daunting processes, streamlining the entire workflow!


3. Metadata Interoperability:

Another aspect of digital publishing that has become a priority for stakeholders in academic publishing is Metadata. It serves various purposes, with resource discovery being one of the most common. It enables interoperability and integration of resources. Metadata 2020 has kickstarted an initiative that supports richer, connected, reusable, and open metadata for allresearch outputs to understand the scope and improve the quality of metadata.The goal is to advance the scholarly pursuits for the benefit of society.


4. The Open Access Era:

The increase in the cost of scholarly publishing has been an undermining factor in the industry for a long time. Open access has been a promising option for cost reduction. By sharing papers online, it allows access to published articles without any fees or paid subscriptions. The impact of the journal is higher when you enable access to anyone across the internet. This increases the power to inform, educate, and enlighten!


5. Accessibility with EPUB3:

The goal of accessibility is to make content available for users in various formats, including those with difficulties or disabilities. This initiative helps people read content more efficiently, amplifying the readership and providing a high-quality user experience, generating a source of innovation for the future. Accessible Book Consortium encourages all publishers to promote accessible publishing and states EPUB3 is the ‘gold standard’ in the publishing industry for producing accessible digital journals.

So that’s it! Now that you are aware of the top 5 tech trends in the industry, it’s up to the authors and publishers to keep up. The good news is that you don’t have to figure this out on your own. We are here for you!

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Anjali Dhananjayan
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